State Bank of India, Thamballapalle Branch IFSC Code


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Branch Name : Thamballapalle

Bank Name : State Bank of India

Branch Code : 16498

IFSC Code : SBIN0016498

Branch MICR Code : 517002644

City : Thamballapalle

District : Chittoor

State : Andhra Pradesh

Address : D No 3 2, Sri Lakshmi Venkateswara Nilayam, D V Reddy Estate, Tnsr Road, Thamballapalle, Distt. Chittoor. Andhra Pradesh 517418

Email ID : [email protected]

Branch Timings : 10:00AM to 04:00PM

Bank Website :

Bank Customer Care No. : 080-26599990

Bank Toll Free No. : 1800 1234, 1800 2100

Bank Fax : 022-22742431

Head Office : Mumbai, Maharashtra

SBI Thamballapalle IFSC Code is SBIN0016498. The Thamballapalle IFSC Code could be used for electronic fund transfer like NEFT, RTGS etc. In this IFSC Code SBIN0016498, 016498 is assign to the SBI Thamballapalle branch and first four characters (SBIN) are identical for State Bank of India.

SBI Thamballapalle timings are 10:00AM to 04:00PM. These timings could vary according to branch arrangements. You can call 1800 1234, 1800 2100 for customer support and various account information. For list of services offered by Thamballapalle, you can access bank official website

State Bank of India, Thamballapalle is located at D No 3 2, Sri Lakshmi Venkateswara Nilayam, D V Reddy Estate, Tnsr Road, Thamballapalle, Distt. Chittoor. Andhra Pradesh 517418 in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh. Checkout State Bank of India, Thamballapalle, Andhra Pradesh bank holidays in 2024.

State Bank of India Thamballapalle branch is a Public Sector Bank branch. It offers government supported schemes and services.

SBI opened a new branch in Koramangala, Bengaluru, dedicated to startups. The branch will offer banking services like investment banking, treasury operations, funding, advisory and other ancillary financial services.

State Bank of India, Thamballapalle Branch Contact Details

You can call SBI customer care number 080-26599990.

You can email your concern to the bank email id [email protected].

FAQs About State Bank of India, Thamballapalle Branch

State Bank of India Thamballapalle IFSC Code is SBIN0016498.

State Bank of India, Thamballapalle branch code is 16498.

SBI branch MICR code is 517002644.

You can call SBI customer care number 080-26599990.

Yes. While sending money using the account number and IFSC Code, you can use the IFSC Code SBIN0016498. It is advised to validate IFSC Code before transfer.

SBIN0016498 could be seen printed on your cheque book. Alternatively, you can also see it on the passbook provided by the bank or visit the Thamballapalle branch.

SBI Thamballapalle email id is [email protected].

State Bank of India, Thamballapalle Branch IFSC Code - SBIN0016498

Other State Bank of India in Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh