IFSC Code Search

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What is IFSC Code?

IFSC Code stands for Indian Financial System Code. It's an 11-digit unique code assigned to a bank branch participating in electronic fund transfer and cheque-clearing activities. This code is being used by over 1.5 Lakh bank branches in India.

Format of IFSC Code

The 11-digit IFSC Code has basically two values which combined makes a code for each of the bank branches. The first four characters are the bank name and the last six digits are the branch of that bank.

For example, in IFSC Code SBIN0041078, the first four digits, 'SBIN' is the bank code assigned to the State Bank of India, followed by a '0' which is reserved for future addition and the last six digits are '041078' branch code of NMMC Branch, Belapur.

Where to Find my branch IFSC Code?

You can find the Bank Branch's IFSC code in the following places-

  • Mudra Nidhi's IFSC Code finder tool
  • Bank Passbook and cheque book
  • Official website of RBI
  • Official website of the bank
  • By visiting the branch or contacting bank customer care Number

How to use Mudra Nidhi's IFSC Code Tool?

Finding the IFSC Code is important if you want to make payments to your beneficiary. Mudra Nidhi brings you the IFSC Code finder tool which will help you in finding your IFSC Code easily.

You can also share the link with your customers, or fund transferer to make sure that he/she enters the right IFSC Code while transferring funds, or adding beneficiary.

Search by Bank Name

You can follow these steps to use the tool to find out the IFSC Code by using the Bank Name-

  • For using the tool, you can find the bank name from the drop-down or simply search for the bank's full name and it will automatically get selected
  • Now, you have to select the state, district, and branch from the dropdown list to locate your bank branch in the tool
  • After selecting the branch, the IFSC Code of your bank will be displayed and you'll be able to find the IFSC Code of your bank branch

How to Use IFSC Code in RTGS, IMPS, NEFT?

IFSC Codes are used for transferring funds from one account to another. In India, there are majorly three different methods using which you can transfer funds.

You can use these methods to do both online as well as offline fund transfers. The following are the online as well as offline methods using which you can transfer funds.

Online Fund Transfers

For online fund transfers, the account holders are required to first add the receiver's account as the beneficiary in their account. You can follow these steps to add a beneficiary to your account-

  • Login to your Mobile Banking or Net Banking account using your login credentials
  • After logging in, click on the fund transfer button followed by clicking on the Adding Beneficiary
  • Now, you'll have to enter the details like Beneficiary name, address, mobile number, account number, IFSC Code, etc.
  • Now, accept the terms and conditions followed by entering the OTP sent on your registered mobile number
  • Your bank account will be successfully added to your bank account within 10-24 hours
  • After activation of the beneficiary addition, you'll be able to transfer funds from your account to the beneficiary's account

Offline Fund Transfers

The offline fund transfers are relatively easy and you'll have to visit the bank branch to do that. You can follow these steps to transfer funds from your account to the beneficiary's account offline-

  • Visit the bank branch and ask the bank's executive for an NEFT/RTGS fund transfer form
  • Now, fill out the NEFT/RTGS form with details like the beneficiary's account number, IFSC Code, name, mobile number, etc.
  • After filling out the NEFT/RTGS form, you're required to submit the form along with the cash or cheque to the bank's executive
  • The bank executive will process your request and your account will be debited with the funds
  • The fund transfer can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 72 hours for the fund transfer to get executed

Other Banking Code Systems


MICR Code stands for Magnetic Ink Character Recognition Code which is a character recognition technology used by the bank to clear a cheque for faster processing of a payment.

The MICR Code is country-specific and has been followed throughout the country as a standard. It was set by the RBI for uniformity.

In India, MICR Code is of 9-digit code which is printed on a cheque using magnetic ink. The first three-digit number shows the city code followed by a three-digit bank code and the last three digits by the branch code.


SWIFT Code or BIC Code is an international fund transfer code that is used for cross-border fund transfers. SWIFT stands for Society for Worldwide Inter-bank Financial Telecommunication and BIC stands for Bank Identifier Code.

Every bank has its own SWIFT or BIC Code which helps them in transferring funds internationally. For example- Let's say an exporter in India wants to receive a payment from the USA, the sender in the USA will ask the Indian exporter for his banking details along with the SWIFT Code.

When the USA's importer initiates the fund transfer then he/she will mention your SWIFT Code in the transfer process and your bank account in India will receive the funds based on the international exchange rates.

Difference between MICR Code, IFSC Code, and SWIFT Code

The following are the difference between IFSC Code, MICR Code, and SWIFT Code

Features IFSC Code MICR Code SWIFT Code
Code Length 11-digit code 9-digit Code 8 or 11 digit code
Uniqueness Unique to bank branches Unique to bank Unique to bank
Used for Used in RTGS, NEFT and IMPS for fund transfer, Used in cheques and other physical bank documents to facilitate the cheque transfer Used in wire transfer
Domestic or International Used only in India Used only in India Used all over the world


You can find the MICR Code printed on your cheque leaf or you can use the Mudra Nidhi IFSC Code finder tool to find the MICR Code of your bank.

The IFSC Code is an 11-digit alphanumeric code used to transfer funds from one account to another using the NEFT, IMPS, or RTGS method.

Yes, you can use the account number and Bank's IFSC Code to transfer funds using the UPI. For initiating the fund transfers, you'll have to open the UPI app, choose fund transfer and enter the IFSC Code and account number of the receiver followed by clicking on the transfer button. Now, you'll have to enter the four-digit MPIN to complete the transaction.

Yes bank transfer like NEFT, RTGS, IMPS could be done even during bank holidays.

No, the IFSC code is used for domestic fund transfer activities. For international transactions SWIFT code is used.

The bank prints the IFSC Code and MICR on each cheque leaf. It could also be found on the bank account passbook.